2007-2008 Annual Supplement to The Piano Book: Buying & Owning a New or Used Piano

2007-2008 Annual Supplement to The Piano Book: Buying & Owning a New or Used Piano
Brookside Press
Поступления - 2009 г. - Январь - Июль


Внезапная божественность слова, На полустанке, Тихое утро, Ночь, Некрасивая, Поморка, В город, Голубое и зеленое, Тэдди, Арктур - гончий пес, Звон брегета, На охоте, Манька, Старики, На острове, Трали-вали, По дороге, Ни стуку, ни грюку, Кабиасы, "Вон бежит собака!", Запах хлеба, Нестор и Кир, Легкая жизнь, Осень в дубовых лесах, Двое в декабре, Ночлег, Плачу и рыдаю, Проклятый Север, Поедемте в Лопшеньгу, Отход, Долгие Крики, Свечечка, Во сне ты горько плакал, О мужестве писателя


Supplying list prices for more than 2,500 currently made piano brands and models, as well as advice on how to estimate actual street prices to help negotiate the lowest possible price, this annual complement to "The Piano Book" offers the information necessary to differentiate between a good deal and a great deal when buying a piano. Anyone in the market for a new or used piano - including teachers, technicians, students, and aficionados - can make a more informed purchase using this definitive and singular guide. Completely updated information on piano manufacturers, instrument models, prices, and current trends and conditions in the piano market is also included.

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