Regulating Water and Sanitation for the Poor: Economic Regulation for Public and Private Partnerships

Regulating Water and Sanitation for the Poor: Economic Regulation for Public and Private Partnerships
Arc Manor
Новые поступления. Бизнес и экономика


Человек-Амфибия. Продавец воздуха. Светопреставление, Ледяной ад. Капитан Сорвиголова, Матиас Шандор, Фанфан-Тюльпан, Пограничный легион. Рассказы, Алые паруса. Блистающий мир. Золотая цепь, Робинзон Крузо, Робин Гуд. Новеллы, Долина молчаливых призраков. Скованные льдом сердца. Золотая петля, Пионеры, или У истоков Сосквеганны. Вайандоте, или Хижина на холме, Наследники Виннету, Перст судьбы. Сигнал бедствия. Вождь герильясов. Отважная охотница, или Дочь скваттера, Остров сокровищ. Принц Отто, Крестоносцы. В 2-х томах, Принцесса Баальбека, Твердая рука. Карденио


The aim of this book is to present the potential benefits as well as the challenges of introducing a more formal economic regulatory process into the urban water sector arena in lower-income countries. There is a particular focus upon the impact this may have on the poorest, the informal, slum and shanty dwellers of the rapidly growing cities. Economic regulation, usually introduced in the context of private operation of monopoly water supply, can deliver objectivity and transparency in the price-setting process for public providers also. But this is not, as is commonly assumed, primarily to protect the customer from the provider; rather it is to allow the service provider to set something approaching cost-reflective tariffs. These charges, almost certainly higher than previously, perversely can benefit the poor who have been paying far more for informal access to any piped supplies. With the addition of a regulatory duty to achieve some form of adaptive Universal Service Obligation,...

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