A Visual Approach to SPSS for Windows: A Guide to SPSS 15.0

A Visual Approach to SPSS for Windows: A Guide to SPSS 15.0
Allyn & Bacon


След истины, Стоит только захотеть, Мертвая трава, Похищение премьера, Шутки старых дядюшек, Кровь - не водица, Художества тетушки Мюриел, Чисто семейное дело, Чикагский расклад, Воздушная тревога, Львиное озеро, Шанс на выигрыш, Ведется расследование, Смерть репортера, Человек возвращается из прошлого, Миссия в Грауенштадт, Место встречи - Берн, Палач не ждет, Погоня, Материал не для печати, Рассказы, Полицейские и воры, Один против всех, Беги, негр, беги!, Дело воющей собаки, Плата за страх, Большие следы, Плата за страх, Сокровища Сьерра-Мадре, Лев


SPSS is, essentially, a visually-driven program, but most texts rely primarily on a verbal approach to describe its use. A Visual Approach to SPSS for Windows is the first text of its kind to employ "visual sequencing" to teach students how to use SPSS. This approach presents screen shots of SPSS windows combined with instructions that describe the sequence of each action needed to implement a procedure. Students find it easy to adapt the example shown in the book to their own analyses. In addition to describing how to run statistical procedures and interpret the output, the text also provides a brief discussion of the rationale underlying use of each statistical procedure and assumptions underlying the procedure. Additional features include detailed instructions for inspecting and interpreting output, examples of the format for reporting outcomes of statistical tests, and end-of-chapter exercises to test for mastery of the procedures that were described.

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