AOPim: An Aspect-Oriented Implementation Method

AOPim: An Aspect-Oriented Implementation Method
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Aspect-Oriented Programming aims to increase software modularity, and therefore, software maintainability. The modularity reached by using aspects allows programmers to add or change software functionality with non-invasive changes, which keeps the base code clean and easy to understand and evolve. This work presents an Aspect-Oriented Implementation Method and defines data management, communication, and concurrency control concerns (requirements) as aspects. It also defines how the implementation method can be composed in the development process, in order to tailor management, requirements, analysis, and design activities to support the method. Moreover, the method presents an alternative implementation approach that tries to anticipate requirement changes by yielding a functional prototype earlier than in a regular approach. This allows customers and developers to test the software before additional effort to implement non-functional requirements. A study was performed to support...

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