Accessibility and Presence of English in Rural Kisii, Kenya

Accessibility and Presence of English in Rural Kisii, Kenya
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Who are the users of English in rural Kisii? How widely available is the English language in rural Kisii? What are the attitudes of the speakers toward English? This book explores these and many other questions related to availability of English in rural Kisii, Kenya. The book gives a detailed social and political history of Kisii and how that history has influenced the current role and place of English in rural Kisii. Although learners and users of English in this rural context have limited opportunities to use English, their attitudes toward English are positive. They consider English an important language that could give them access to the outside world. Implications for English education are drawn and several practical suggestions of increasing the availability of English are made. This book will be of great interest to sociolinguists interested in the spread of English into rural contexts, an area of research that has not yet been well explored. The book will also be of key...

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