Advanced .NET Remoting, Second Edition

Advanced .NET Remoting, Second Edition
The Birchbark Press of Karacharovo


Садко, Снегурочка, Лоэнгрин, Любовь к трем апельсинам, Волшебная флейта, Гензель и Гретель, Орфей и Эвридика, Турандот


With all the attention paid recently to Web Services, many developers donA‚A?t realize that the true successor to DCOM is actually .NET Remoting. And what an improvement it is! "Advanced .NET Remoting" is the first book that really offers in-depth coverage of the .NET Remoting Framework. The first part of the book covers everything a developer needs to know to use the framework and its capabilities in real-world applications, including the basics of server-activated objects versus client-activated objects, formatters, channels, lifetime issues, security, configuration files, and more. The server-side hosting of remoteable components in console applications, Windows Services, and IIS are also covered in detail. The second part presents .NET Remoting internals in an unprecedented way. Ingo Rammer shows how the framework really uses message sinks and sink providers, and gives in-depth advice on why and how to implement message and channel sinks. These chapters will also give detailed...

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