Advances in Fuzzy Clustering and its Applications

Advances in Fuzzy Clustering and its Applications
Книги издательства Willey


A comprehensive, coherent, and in depth presentation of the state of the art in fuzzy clustering . Fuzzy clustering is now a mature and vibrant area of research with highly innovative advanced applications. Encapsulating this through presenting a careful selection of research contributions, this book addresses timely and relevant concepts and methods, whilst identifying major challenges and recent developments in the area. Split into five clear sections, Fundamentals, Visualization, Algorithms and Computational Aspects, Real–Time and Dynamic Clustering, and Applications and Case Studies, the book covers a wealth of novel, original and fully updated material, and in particular offers: a focus on the algorithmic and computational augmentations of fuzzy clustering and its effectiveness in handling high dimensional problems, distributed problem solving and uncertainty management. presentations of the important and relevant phases of cluster design,...

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