Alfred Ehrhardt: Island / Iceland

Alfred Ehrhardt: Island / Iceland
Новые поступления. Коллекции


Томек в стране кенгуру, Приключения Томека на черном континенте, Томек на тропе войны, Томек ищет снежного человека, Таинственное путешествие Томека, Томек среди охотников за человеческими головами, Томек у истоков Амазонки


In 1938, Alfred Ehrhardt, then in his thirties, embarked upon a two-month film-and-photography expedition through Iceland, visiting such now well-known landscape monuments as Dettifoss and LangsjA kull. His tour of the island, which he navigated in a high-wheeled Ford and on horseback, was truly ambitious and often dangerous. Following his first photo series, Das Watt (Mudflats) and Die Kurische Nehrung (Curonian Spit), it was only logical that his quest for A¬elementary manifestations of fundamental forcesA® would lead him to this untouched A¬primal landscapeA® shaped by glaciers and volcanoes, where he hoped to gain insights into EarthA­s origin. This richly illustrated publication illuminates the context in which he worked, describes other Icelandic expeditions by German photographers and researchers during the 20s and 30s, and explores the typological approach to the landscape and the abstract, avant-garde visual vocabulary that set Ehrhardt apart.

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