Aluminium Bearing Alloys through Powder Metallurgy

Aluminium Bearing Alloys through Powder Metallurgy
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Aluminium bearing alloys are finding vast applications in various automobile industries these days. Aluminium P/M offers components with exceptional mechanical properties, low density, corrosion resistance, excellent machinability, good response to variety of finishing operations. In addition, aluminium P/M parts can be further processed to eliminate porosity and improve bonding yielding properties better than those of conventional wrought aluminium products. Aluminium P/M parts enjoy the widest range of applications. Due to their high strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance and superior finishing properties, aluminium parts are used in different machines, automotive, aerospace and other appliance applications. P/M technology can be used to refine microstructures compared with those made by conventional ingot metallurgy, which often results in improved mechanical and corrosion properties.

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