American Indian Food (Food in American History)

American Indian Food (Food in American History)
University of California Press
Поступления 2006 года


Обольщение, Дорогая Марла, Плохая киска, Для тебя, Щедрый подарок лета, Капитан, можно?, Силовая игра, Секс-клуб "Опьянение" в Париже, Общаясь языками, Рэп на день рождения, Оставь сообщение, Его руки, Случай в ресторане, Золото, Химия, Неожиданная встреча, Подземка, Лихорадка, У всех на глазах, В дыму Кэмел Лайт, Диско-дрема, Дай мне блеска, Шестой уровень по кински, Настоящая причина, почему я ношу длинные волосы, Мокрая Гвен, Встреча за обедом, Поездка на поезде, Настоящие рыжие, Долгий путь домой, Внутри, Дерн, Отшлепай меня, Медовый месяц, Помощница фокусника, Костюм


Book DescriptionThis, the first, in-depth survey of Native American Indian foodways is an amazing chronicle of both human development over thousands of years and American history after the European invasion. It sheds light not only on this group and their history but on American food culture and history as well. For thousands of years an intimate relationship existed between Native Americans and their food sources. Dependence on nature for subsistence gave rise to a rich spiritual tradition with rituals and feasts marking planting and harvesting seasons. The European invasion forced a radical transformation of the indigenous food habits. Foodways were one of the first layers of culture attacked. Indians were removed from their homelands, forced to cultivate European crops such as wheat and grapes, new animals were introduced, and the bison, a major staple in the Great Plains and West, was wiped out. Today, American Indians are trying to reclaim many of their food traditions. A number...

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