Analytical Methods for Drinking Water

Analytical Methods for Drinking Water
Книги издательства Willey


Drinking water policies and research are intimately linked. It is thanks to the scientific progress made over the last 25 years in identifying and controlling toxic products in drinking water that regulations have developed in such a way that the protection of public health from waterborne diseases has drastically improved. The integration of research outputs into the policy–making progress requires close cooperation among the scientific and policy communities, which is not always straightforward. Exchanges among scientific and policy–making communities are certainly representing key elements of progress for a better environmental protection. In this respect, analytical developments linked to drinking water are at the core of the science–policy debate. This book “Analytical Methods for Drinking Water: Advances in Sampling and Analysis” reflects this awareness in joining recent analytical developments with policy considerations. A first chapter gives anoverview of EU and US...

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