Ancestral Spaces

Ancestral Spaces
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Where a person is situated in time and space determines the way an artwork is perceived. The result of this experience implies a relationship between the viewer and the artwork, thereby creating a liminal space. This threshold or in-between space separates and unites two opposing forces, creating a unique place that transcends memory and time. An artwork can serve as a mediatory object between artist and viewer because with each encounter a unique meeting occurs. Thus, the meeting of audience and art object is transitory, ephemeral and temporal by nature and will be discussed in relation to the artwork as a vehicle to foster subjective perception. Using my ancestral memories as a starting point, I refer to the art object as a means to explore time as a cross section of experience. Like dreams, where time is non-linear and memories exist side by side, I refer to the nondual space that exists between artist, artwork and audience as an opportunity to access an intuitive reaction to...

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