Annual Plant Reviews

Annual Plant Reviews
Новые поступления академической литературы издательства Wiley


In recent years scientists? understanding of how nitrogen is fixed and metabolised by plants has rapidly increased and these timely books bring together comprehensive details of all the key aspects of the subject, detailing major advances in knowledge, particularly focussing on molecular and genetic advances, made during the past few years. Each of these two important books can be used as stand alone references encompassing major aspects of the subject, or can be viewed as two volumes covering a wider subject area. Nitrogen Metabolism in Plants in the Post–genomic Era provides a general background and overview of nitrogen acquisition in plantsand presents a comprehensive description of recent advances in our understanding of both nitrogen assimilation and nitrogen fixation using new technologies. These important books cover many important aspects, including transport systems, regulatory and signaling mechanisms, plant development and senescence, and metabolic cross–talk...

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Год: 2010