Appication of Multivariate Ordered Probit Model

Appication of Multivariate Ordered Probit Model
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In many social science researches, data are in the form of ordinal or ordered categorical data.The same data structure also arises in the analysis of repeated measurements,where the response of each experimental unit or subject is observed on multiple occasions to record the presence/absence level of a specific event.Responses of this type are known as multivariate or correlated categorical responses.The overall objective of this analysis was to measure the impact of the fortified biscuits on the nutritional status of pre-school aged children.Also to compare the nutritional status of the CHT pre-school aged children between intervention and comparison areas in terms of some measured nutritional indicators, such as,haemoglobin,height-for-age Z-scores,weight-for-age Z-scores,weight-for-height Z-scores,and body mass index.In this study,I have described the application of probit Model for ordered categorical data to find out whether there was significant effect of fortified biscuits on...

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