Application of Information Technology in Ayurveda

Application of Information Technology in Ayurveda
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In the present era of competition and globalisation, every branch of science is trying to retain its identity in the globe by reorienting and developing itself according to the needs by conducting various kinds of research. Ayurveda: the traditional healthcare system also is trying to prove its identity by searching newer remedies to overcome the diseases for which there is no answer in modern medical science. With the growing institutionalisation of education in Ayurveda in the present times, need has been felt to launch research and application of information technology in order to update it in terms of its understanding and application to the present day need of the people. In order to promote as a global medicine and equip Ayurveda to meet the global healthcare needs of the 21stcentury, there is an urgent need to modernise the ancient system in pace with the development of science and technology. So considering all these facts, Ayurveda is needed to restructure in the global...

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