Applied Management Science: A Computer-integrated Approach for Decision Making

Applied Management Science: A Computer-integrated Approach for Decision Making
Cambridge University Press


Сказка о братьях, Фонтан феи Фортуны, Колдун и прыгучий горшок, Зайчиха Шутиха и ее пень-зубоскал, Волосатое сердце колдуна


Emphasizes building the most appropriate model possible from the available data. Major focus is on analysis and communication of results to management. Teaches readers how to conduct a management science study, analyze different situations, break down the steps of problem-solving, write a business report, and effectively communicate study results to management. A supporting CD-ROM is packaged with every book to include three complete additional chapters, additional cases and problems for every chapter, coverage of key algorithms and derivations, a review of statistics, the complete WINQSB package developed by Yih-Long Chang, and Excel files for every chapter. Computer Integrated Approach: Use of Excel, WinQSB, and LINDO for windows integrated throughout text for use in solving models.

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