Architectures: Modernism and After

Architectures: Modernism and After


Architectures: Modernism and After ДИЗАЙН, ДОМ и СЕМЬЯ, ПРОФЕССИИ И РЕМЕСЛА Название: Modernism and After (New Interventions in Art History) Издательство: Wiley-BlackwellДата публикации: 2003-11-14 ISBN (eng): 0631229434Язык: English Формат: PDF Размер: 1.6 MbКоличество страниц: 272Architectures: Modernism and After surveys the history of the building from the advent of industrialization to the cultural imperatives of the present moment.* Brings together international art and architectural historians to consider a range of topics that have influenced the shape, profile, and aesthetics of the built environment.* Presents crucial "moments" in the history of the field when the architecture of the past is made to respond to new and changing cultural circumstances.* Provides a view of architectural history as a part of a continuing dialogue between aesthetic criteria and social and cultural imperatives.* Part of the New Interventions in Art History Series, which is published in conjunction with the Association of Art Historians.Скачать.com"Мир книг"-является крупнейшим книжным сайтом. Тут представлено более 120 000книг и журналов. Ежедневно сайт пополняется на300 новых публикаций.Мы рекомендуем Вам зарегистрироваться либо зайти на сайт под своим именем. Зарегистрироваться? 85

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