Audit Committees: A Guide for Directors, Management, and Consultants (Fifth Edition) (with CD-ROM)

Audit Committees: A Guide for Directors, Management, and Consultants (Fifth Edition) (with CD-ROM)
Иван Федоров, П-2
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Audit Committees: A Guide for Directors, Management, and Consultants presents the history, responsibilities, and operation of audit committees. The Guide focuses primarily on publicly held companies, but also includes a short chapter on audit committees for not-for-profit and public sector entities. The Guide is written in a non-technical, active-voice, easy-to-read format. The book is useful for directors serving on audit committees, other members of the board of directors, CEOs, CFOs, legal in-house counsels, internal and external auditors, outside legal counsels, and other consultants to audit committees. It fills a "gap" in the existing literature in that it blends (1) observations based on real-world experiences from serving on audit committees, (2) expert knowledge of the standards of external and internal auditors, and (3) knowledge of the latest requirements from the New York Stock Exchange, National Association of Securities Dealers/Nasdaq, American Stock Exchange, and the...

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