Batch Aqueous-phase Reforming of Lignocellulosic Biomass

Batch Aqueous-phase Reforming of Lignocellulosic Biomass
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Aqueous-phase reforming (APR) is a relatively recent technology for producing hydrogen from biomass-derived substrates. Amidst the worldwide concerns about increasing petroleum prices and declining supplies, this process has the potential to address the need for a readily-available source of energy that is renewable and environment-friendly. APR uses temperatures much lower than those used in existing thermochemical methods for biomass: ~500K as opposed to about 600K to 1100K for pyrolysis and gasification. The reaction occurs in aqueous phase in the presence of a reforming metal catalyst that can catalyze both reforming and water-gas shift reactions. To date, known APR studies dealt only with applying this technology to oxygenated compounds that were used to mimic biomass. However, it is considered that application of APR to real biomass is needed to gauge whether this technology can be considered a viable approach for hydrogen production.

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