Becoming a Nurse in the 21st Century

Becoming a Nurse in the 21st Century
Книги издательства Willey


The title Registered Nurse is a protected title in law. This means it can only be used by a person who is registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), their name must appear on the professional register. In this useful book, Ian Peate guides the reader through the journey of becoming a Registered Nurse. Students will be able to use the contents of Becoming a Nurse in the 21 st Century and relate it to their own approved programme of study. The NMC’s Standards of Proficiency for Pre–registration Nursing Education are the nursing standards required to be achieved to demonstrate to the NMC proficiency. There are four domains: Professional and ethical practice Care delivery Care management Professional development Each chapter addresses thecontent of each of the domains and provides the reader with think points, these are included in order to help encourage and motivate, as well as for the reader to assess...

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