Bifurcations, Phase Transitions and Teleportation in Quantum Systems

Bifurcations, Phase Transitions and Teleportation in Quantum Systems
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This thesis was submitted in partial fulfilment of a PhDat The University of Queensland, and is accompanied by several papers published in refereed journals. In this thesis we explore several areas which lie between the traditional condensed matter physics and the relatively more modern quantum information processing paradigms. We move from a single-body problem which displays chaotic behaviour, to two many-body systems which show a quantum phase transition and sufficient entanglement to perform complex quantum information processing, respectively. We consider first bifurcations and quantum chaos, then quantum phase transitions and then quantum teleportation. In each case, using a quantitative measure of entanglement, we are able to present concrete evidence for the essential role which entanglement plays in determining the physics we may observe from these quantum phenomenon.

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