Bioavailability, Bioaccessibility and Mobility of Environmental Contaminants

Bioavailability, Bioaccessibility and Mobility of Environmental Contaminants
Книги издательства Willey


This text focuses on the techniques used to assess the bioavailability and bioaccessibility of metals and persistent organic pollutants in environmental samples. The opening chapter considers the link between human health and contaminated land. Then, the different sample preparation techniques applied to solid and liquid samples for elemental analysis are discussed– in particular, the need to destroy the matrix by heat and/or acid(s) for solid samples whereas in the case of liquids the emphasis is on pre–concentration and/or separation of metals from solution. The book continues to evaluate the different sample preparation techniques applied to solid andliquid sample preparation technique applied for single and sequential extraction of metals from soils and sediments. Chapter 5 evaluates the different sample preparation techniques for non–exhaustive extraction (Cyclodextrin, Supercritical–fluid extraction, subcritical water extraction, solid–phase microextraction and membrane...

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