Biological Monitoring of Rivers

Biological Monitoring of Rivers
Книги издательства Willey


This book derives from a workshop whose objectives were the comprehensive study of the aquatic environment and the promotion of the use of biotic methods in evaluating the quality of running waters. The workshop anticipated the aims and strategies of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) in focusing on methodological questions related to a common understanding of technical and scientific implications. Since the workshop some relevant changes have occurred in technical and legislative fields related to the topics covered. For this reason the book covers aspects of river monitoring, including new tools and strategies for river ecology evaluation, appropriate for complete coverage of the topic. The contents are presented as follows: The river environment– including floodplains, instream and bankside habitats Biological monitoring of rivers – considers the monitoring and assessment methods based on macroinvertebrates, fish, algae and macrophytes. In...

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