Business Models for Sustainable Telecoms Growth in Developing Economies

Business Models for Sustainable Telecoms Growth in Developing Economies
John Wiley and Sons, Ltd
Новые поступления. Бизнес и экономика


A little more than 3 billion people have access to basic mobile telephony, with 48 0ving close to or below the poverty line. These people, the so-called‘mass market’, lack access to basic communications technology. An ongoing issue facing communications providers is how to facilitate and promote communications access to those who live in rural areas of developing economies. The authors utilize their considerable ‘hands on’ experience of working in successful telecommunications companies in order to address the challenges of creating, facilitating and maintaining sustainable telecommunications growth in developing nations. With this focus in mind the authors present a snapshot of these countries through real life case studies. Sustainable Telecoms Growth in Developing Economies: Presents innovative and sustainable business models to address telecommunications adoption in developing countries. Identifies the inherent drivers and barriers in the mass-market...

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