Buying a House in Morocco (Buying a House - Vacation Work Pub)

Buying a House in Morocco (Buying a House - Vacation Work Pub)
Cambridge University Press


Часть I. Девочка из будущего, Девочка, с которой ничего не случится, Остров ржавого лейтенанта, День рождения Алисы, Сто лет тому вперед, Пленники астероида, Часть II. ...и другие повести, Два билета в Индию, Геркулес и Гидра, Звездолет в лесу, Нужна свободная планета, Черный саквояж, Дети как дети


A growing number of people are interested in buying property in Morocco with its ancient towns, coastal resorts and snowy peaks. This North African kingdom boasts 1,400 miles of coastline, year-round sunshine and an open invitation to foreign investment and has seen a sharp increase in the numbers of house-buyers from abroad over the last four years. Buying a House in Morocco is aimed at anyone seriously considering purchasing a property in Morocco to live in permanently, rent out, or transform to a guesthouse. Extensively researched and informatively written, it will give readers a rich insight into what to expect and how to go about fulfilling their dream for a new home. Morocco offers an enormous range of housing, from the traditional dars and riads of the medina to the villas, new developments and old Moroccan style farmhouses of the countryside. The regional guide also covers the different types of properties to be found in each region, such as: >...

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