Calorimetry in Food Processing

Calorimetry in Food Processing
Новые поступления академической литературы издательства Wiley


Calorimetry in Food Processing: Analysis and Design of Food Systems introduces the basic principles of calorimetry and highlights various applications to characterize temperature–induced changes including starch gelatinization and crystallization, lipid transitions, protein denaturation, and inactivation of microorganisms in a variety of food and biological materials. These changes are known to affect the storage stability and shelf–life of food materials. Coverage addresses important issues in the use of calorimetry in food systems, focusing on data collection, interpretation of the resultant data, and the use of these data for process optimization and product development. Emphasis is given to the use of calorimetry as a tool for evaluation of processing requirements in order to assess the efficacy of food processing and for characterization of the effects of changes in formulation and processing conditions. Calorimetry in Food Processing is intended primarily as a...

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