Cancer Stem Cells, Immunotherapy

Cancer Stem Cells, Immunotherapy
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Our knowledge of cancer initiation, progression and treatment has dramatically increased over the last decade. This understanding promises to deliver novel therapeutic agents that will eliminate the burden of the disease on individuals, families and society. However, early impressive clinical results are often overshadowed by relapse and the development of resistance. Recent studies strongly support the notion that at least some cancers are initiated, maintained and disseminated by cancer stem cells. These cells possess properties of normal stem cells and are typically less responsive to current therapies, thus explaining the observed resistance. Based on the cancer stem cell theory, the elimination of these cancer stem cells is imperative if we are to cure patients. A number of aberrantly activated proteins have been found critical for the proliferation and/or survival of cancer stem cells, one of which is the mutant FLT3 receptor, expressed on leukemia stem cells. This book uses...

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