Cancer and Inflammation

Cancer and Inflammation
Книги издательства Willey


Chronic inflammation predisposes to some forms of cancer and the host response to malignant disease shows several parallels with inflammation and wound healing. The cells involved in inflammation are detected in a range of common cancers, together with the inflammatory cytokines and members of the chemokine ligand/receptor systems. Neutralization or deletion of the gene for some inflammatory cytokines confers resistance to tumour induction and experimental metastasis. Over–expression of such cytokines in tumour cells may enhance malignant potential. Certain chemokines are likely to subvert antitumour immunity by favouring development of ineffective Type 2 responses. Tumour cells may even utilize chemokine receptors in homing to lymph nodes and other organs. Thus, the cells, cytokines and chemokines found in tumours are more likely to contribute to tumour growth, progression and immunosuppression than they are to mount an effective host antitumour response. This book draws...

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