Climate Change Detection and Attribution in Tropical Africa(20°N-20°S)

Climate Change Detection and Attribution in Tropical Africa(20°N-20°S)
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This book tries to address the Tropical African climate change detection and attribution. Externally driven climate change is detected by applying different statistical methods from independent data covering of many parts of the climate system, including land surface temperature, ocean surface temperature, precipitation, soil moisture, atmospheric circulation, and variables of the free atmosphere, such as atmospheric temperature (Air temperature), Humidity, and the Outgoing Longwave Radiation. The large fraction of the warming over the past 50 years in this area can be attributed (associated with) to greenhouse gas increases and the Land Use-Land Cover changes. Therefore, with the partial fulfillment of this research it has been tried to give more research based information about the current status of the tropical Africa, hopping that it will serve as an indicator to the likely changing climate in the future. This textbook will be of interest to a wide range of people, from...

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