Cognitive Styles and Hypermedia-Assisted Instruction

Cognitive Styles and Hypermedia-Assisted Instruction
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With advances in computer technology, hypermedia has played a vital role in the delivery of instruction. The use of hypermedia as a learning medium has prompted much research in the field of educational technology. Different types of hypermedia-assisted instructions have been designed, but not all learners have benefited from the instruction. What factors may contribute to individuals’ success or failure in a hypermedia environment? Concerning the flexibility and nonlinearity of hypermedia, perhaps cognitive style of field dependence/independence (FDI) is such a factor that may create a difference. This book examines the effects of instructional aids and FDI on students’ structural knowledge performance in a hypermedia environment. It aims to evaluate whether the instructional aids help students with different cognitive styles of FDI acquire a richer understanding of technology applications in Education course content. The findings of the book will contribute to designguidelines for...

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