Communication Mosaics : An Introduction to the Field of Communication (with CD-ROM, SpeechBuilder Express, and InfoTrac)

Communication Mosaics : An Introduction to the Field of Communication (with CD-ROM, SpeechBuilder Express, and InfoTrac)


Возникновение биосферы, Размерность пространства в микромире, Асимметрия и возникновение жизни, Динамическая нестабильность воды, Биогенная нефть, Дно океана, Феномен близнецов, Миграции индоевропейцев, Призвание варягов, Преодоление язычества, Страх, Три кризиса Розанова, Физика духа


Book Description Julia Wood, a leading scholar in the field of communication, brings us a new edition of the extremely popular COMMUNICATION MOSAICS: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE FIELD OF COMMUNICATION. The new edition continues with the holistic approach to the field of communication by first explaining the basic processes central to all communication contexts (e.g. listening, perceiving, using verbal and nonverbal communication, establishing climate), and then applying these processes to various contexts (interpersonal, small group, public, organizational, intercultural, and mass communication). Through reviewer and student-praised "Student Voices" features, seamless and thoughtful integration of diversity, skill-building pedagogy and real-life examples, students are exposed to the vast world of communication and the tools needed to become effective communicators. This book will provide readers with a clear understanding of the fundamental skills and processes that are a part of the broad...

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