Computational Modelling and Simulation of Aircraft and the Environment

Computational Modelling and Simulation of Aircraft and the Environment
Книги издательства Willey


This first volume of Computational Modelling of Aircraft and the Environment provides a comprehensive guide to the derivation of computational models from basic physical&mathematical principles, giving the reader sufficient information to be able to represent the basic architecture of the synthetic environment. Highly relevant to practitioners, it takes into account the multi–disciplinary nature of the aerospace environment and the integrated nature of the models needed to represent it. Coupled with the forthcoming Volume 2: Aircraft Models and Flight Dynamics it represents a complete reference to the modelling and simulation of aircraft and the environment. Chapters include: Computational Modelling Platform Kinematics Geospatial Reference Model Positional Astronomy Geopotential Fields Atmosphere Appendices (an Introduction to MATLAB and Data and Functions). All major examples within the book...

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