Computer programming for teens

Computer programming for teens
Course Technology PTR


Ready to learn computer programming but aren’t sure where to start? Look no further, Computer Programming for Teens is the book for you. Other books on programming tend to be language specific and often get bogged down in the syntax of the language. That is fine if you already have a strong background in programming, but if you’re a novice, the language-specific approach can make things unnecessarily difficult. Computer Programming for Teens stresses concepts over language, but still includes examples in the most popular languages—specifically HTML, C++, and Java. It begins by explaining the fundamental topics, like data storage, and progresses through to more complex topics, such as decisions, loops, design, and complex data structures. Written by a high school teacher, the book includes helpful tips and analogies to guide readers through the maze of programming techniques, concepts, and common pitfalls. It introduces the most relevant topics for beginners and pinpoints the essential skills needed for programming success.

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