Core Temperature and Maximal Oxygen Uptake During Exercise in the Heat

Core Temperature and Maximal Oxygen Uptake During Exercise in the Heat
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This work measured maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and core temperature (TC) at exhaustion, and oxygen uptake and heart rate during submaximal exercise in 22 runners under 7 conditions. The conditions were: 1) 25 degrees C (dC), no preheating; 2-4 and 6) 25, 35, 40, and 45 dC, with preheating by a 20-min walk; 5) 45 dC, no preheating; and 7) 45 dC, with passive preheating raising TC to the same degree as at the end of the 20-min walk in Condition 6. Compared to the Condition 1, VO2max was reduced 3-9% under Conditions 2-5 when TC at VO2max was below the apparent critical TC, but was reduced 17-19% under Conditions 6-7 when a critical TC appeared to have been attained. Heart rate and relative metabolic intensity (%VO2max) during submaximal exercise increased in an identical fashion in the heat, and the elevations in heart rate were significantly related to the reductions in VO2max (r = 0.79). It was concluded that large reductions in VO2max in uncompensable heat stress are associated...

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