Creating the Enterprise

Creating the Enterprise
South-Western, Thomson
Поступления - 2009 г. - Январь - Июль


Внезапная божественность слова, На полустанке, Тихое утро, Ночь, Некрасивая, Поморка, В город, Голубое и зеленое, Тэдди, Арктур - гончий пес, Звон брегета, На охоте, Манька, Старики, На острове, Трали-вали, По дороге, Ни стуку, ни грюку, Кабиасы, "Вон бежит собака!", Запах хлеба, Нестор и Кир, Легкая жизнь, Осень в дубовых лесах, Двое в декабре, Ночлег, Плачу и рыдаю, Проклятый Север, Поедемте в Лопшеньгу, Отход, Долгие Крики, Свечечка, Во сне ты горько плакал, О мужестве писателя


"Creating the Enterprise", by William B.Gartner and Marlene Bellamy, represents a bold new approach to entrepreneurship that fully explores the dynamic nature of business in all its stages. It empowers students to develop the mindset, skills, and knowledge to evaluate and act on a wide variety of opportunities throughout their careers-and in all aspects of their lives. Rather than embrace a narrow, traditional view of entrepreneurship, this text prepares you to become "enterprisers"-confident, focused individuals who take initiative to organize a project, in situations with some complications and risk, in order to make things happen. While it provides an excellent overview of essential business principles and practices, "Creating the Enterprise", is fundamentally focused on creating successful individuals by helping students define, develop, and ultimately achieve their personal and professional goals.

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