Criminal Behavior: A Psychosocial Approach

Criminal Behavior: A Psychosocial Approach
Prentice Hall
Новые поступления. Здоровье и семья


Петербургские шарманщики, Деревня, Антон-Горемыка, Бобыль, Капельмейстер Сусликов, Пахатник и бархатник, Гуттаперчевый мальчик, Переселенцы


This book approaches the understanding of delinquent and criminal behavior from a developmental, coginitive-behavioral, and psychological perspective. Viewing the juvenile and adult offender as being embedded and continually influenced by multiple systems, the book examines the risk and protective factors that are believed to influence the developmental pathways on the road to delinquency and crime. The 8th edition continues to be heavily researched in a style that allows the reader to follow the flow of the research literature. Most up-to-date psychological research and theories regarding criminal behavior are presented. Highlights how psychological, social, economic, political and ecological factors all play a role in influencing individual behavior. Looks at specific crimes from a psychological perspective: terrorism, sniper attacks, homicide and serial murder, cyber crime, white collar crime, identity theft, sex crimes, school violence, hate crimes, stalking, family violence,...

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