Critical Condition : How Health Care in America Became Big Business--and Bad Medicine

Critical Condition : How Health Care in America Became Big Business--and Bad Medicine
Sunset Publishing Corporation
Личность и отношения с окружающими


Предисловие, Собственник, Интерлюдия. Последнее лето Форсайта, В петле, Интерлюдия. Пробуждение, Сдается внаем


Book Description Exposing the most controversial, little-known practices of America’s most flawed system, Time magazine’s Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative team pulls back the curtain on the health care industry to explain exactly how things grew so out of control. Dirty examination and operating rooms in doctor’s offices and hospitals . . . Health care executives pulling in millions in bonuses for denying treatment to the sick . . . More than 100 million people with inadequate or no medical coverage . . . This may sound like the predicament of a third-world nation, but this is America’s health care reality today. The U.S. spends more on health care than any other nation , yet our benefits are shrinking and life expectancy is shorter here than in countries that spend significantly less per capita. Meanwhile, HMOs, pharmaceutical companies, and hospital chains reap tremendous profits, while politicians—beholden to insurers...

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