Cross-Layer Design for Cooperative Wireless Networks

Cross-Layer Design for Cooperative Wireless Networks
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Wireless communication is not only one of the most vibrant research areas in the telecommunication field, but also one of the biggest engineering successes in the last twenty years. Cooperation and cross-layer design are two emerging techniques for improving the performance of wireless networks. In this book, novel cooperative cross-layer techniques are proposed in three areas of wireless networks: cooperative beamforming, wireless security and collision resolution. First, a framework of cross-layer cooperative beamforming is presented to enable long-distance wireless communications in an energy and bandwidth efficient fashion. Second, a novel cross-layer cooperative approach to wireless security is proposed to overcome the limitations of traditional physical layer security approaches posed by the wireless channel. Finally, a multi-channel and cross-layer extension of a cooperative collision resolution scheme (named ALLIANCES) is proposed for broadband wireless networks. The targeted...

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