Dalits and the Dalit Movement

Dalits and the Dalit Movement
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This work analyses the Dalit Movement with regards to the twentieth century Indian nationalism and independence movement.In this epoch, India was dealing with double freedom movement rolled into one.On one side Indian nation was fighting against the British Imperialism and on the other hand the least level of the ancient Hindu social order varna, the Untouchables, were fighting against the higher castes for eradication of their historical backwardness. This solution those problems was possible via social and political terms.The mentioned movement under the leadership of Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar, who is recognized as the architect of the Indian constitution, aimed to obtain both political and social rights and freedom for the Untouchables.By this movement, Dalits initially managed to attain political rights and to outlaw discrimination among people.And then, in order to facilitate the integration of Dalits within the social sphere, they decided to convert from Brahmanism to Buddhism in...

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