
Laurence King
Новые поступления. Искусство и фотография


Колобок, Теремок, Курочка Ряба, Зайкина избушка, Лиса и волк, Маша и медведь, Глупый мышонок, Баба-Яга, Зимовье зверей, Бобовое зернышко, Овца, лиса и волк, Кот-воевода, Вершки и корешки, Морозко, Царевна Несмеяна, Волшебное кольцо, Иван Царевич и серый волк, Федот-стрелец, Летучий корабль, Солдат и змей


Twelve years ago Norwegian photographer Margaret de Langewas at home looking after her two young daughters. She soonpicked up her camera and began to photograph what came as anatural subject matter to her her daughters. Since then it hasdeveloped into a beautiful and highly regarded photographic series. Capturing them in carefree imaginary days of play in thegarden, to voyages of discovery in local rivers and streams, shealso brings us moments of aggression and tension, dressing upas wild fantastic creatures in animal furs. The photographs have only been exhibited since 2007, asMargaret explains, I wanted to wait until the girls were oldenough to decide for themselves whether to exhibit or not. Infact they have been the most eager. Since then the pictureshave received major critical recognition as the runner up inthe prestigious Leica Oskar Barnack award in 2007: For anexcellent picture story expressing the relationship of man to hisenvironment and positively reflecting the idea of...

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