Dependable Messaging in Wireless Sensor Networks

Dependable Messaging in Wireless Sensor Networks
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Messaging is a basic service in sensor networks (a.k.a, sensornets). Yet the unique system and application properties of sensornets pose substantial challenges for the messaging design: 1) dynamic wireless links, constrained resources, and application diversity challenge the architecture and protocol design of sensornet messaging; and 2) complex faults and large system scale introduce new challenges to the design of fault-tolerant protocols. To address the aforementioned challenges, this book examines the architecture of sensornet messaging, identifies the design principles of dependable sensornet messaging, and presents techniques of designing fault-tolerant protocols in the presence of complex faults and large system scale. Taking a holistic approach to addressing the challenges of dependable sensornet messaging, this book can help readers appreciate the basic principles and techniques of sensornet messaging, and it can serve as a useful reference for graduate students, researchers,...

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