Developing the Business Case for a New Mobile Service: An Exercise in Business Model Designing

Developing the Business Case for a New Mobile Service: An Exercise in Business Model Designing
VDM Verlag Dr. Muller
Новые поступления. Бизнес и экономика


Are business models born over night? Not in the case study presented here, in which the reader gets an inside glimpse of the development of a new disruptive mobile service. Peter Arvai describes business model designing as a learning process that requires four elements: management involvement, candor, discussion facilitation and, last but not least, a clearly defined purpose. This work also reviews the academic thought on innovations and business models as described by Chesbrough, Christensen, Osterwalder and Pigneur. The author suggests a process oriented perspective that takes into account the collaborative learning progression that occurs when innovators have to decide on a business model.

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