Diseases of Development

Diseases of Development
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“Diseases of development” are diseases associated with industrial and social progress, whereby periods of great human achievements paradoxically coincide with negative manifestations in broad patterns of health. In this book we investigate mathematical models concerned with some of the better known diseases of development. The first part of the book is devoted to the study of poliomyelitis epidemics in developed countries.In the second part of the book, we consider a particular form of cancer, bladder cancer, which is a widespread disease in the developed word. The polio model is analysedin terms of its bifurcation properties and in terms of its nonequilibrium outbreak dynamics. We present the first model for the treatment of bladder cancer via immunotherapy with Bacillus Calmette-Gue?rin (BCG). The purpose of this research is to develop a mathematical model described the tumor-immune interactions in the bladder as a result of BCG therapy.

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