Documentary in Practice

Documentary in Practice
Новые поступления академической литературы издательства Wiley


Do cumentary in Practice provides a unique approach to practical documentary–making. Through fascinating analysis of real–life production situations, Jane Chapman shows the challenges and issues faced during the filmmaking process by a range of both well–known and up–and–coming documentary–makers. She also brings her own personal experience as a seasoned documentary producer and teacher to advise on how students can gain invaluable insight from these projects. Throughout this compelling text, a variety of producers past and present provide their inside project stories and production records, including scripts, fundraising proposals, budgets, diagrams, post–production records and reviews. Across continents, every project and its makers are different whether they are famous names from the canon?, television freelances, art–house directors, documentary–maker activists or first–time filmmakers but they all face a range of challenges: how to connect visual...

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