Drama in English Language Teaching

Drama in English Language Teaching
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I started my teaching life with the latent aim to make my students independent learners. Later I learnt that there are different types of learner with different needs and attitudes to learning. Some are able to be independent, some are not, or only become independent learners at a later stage of their learning lives. What I can give to my students is motivation, which, if I am lucky, can become intrinsic and can give the drive and confidence to independent learning. As the tool of motivation I relied on introducing drama in the classroom. In the present work I hope to find answers to the following questions: Would drama inspire motivation in secondary English language learning and teaching? Shorter or longer projects inspire students more? Adaptation or supplementation of the course book would serve our purpose better? In what way can drama contribute to cooperative language learning? Finally, for better motivation should the focus be put on process rather than product? This book is...

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