E-Business Privacy and Trust: Planning and Management Strategies

E-Business Privacy and Trust: Planning and Management Strategies
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Protect your customers?and your business?with these essential "rules of the road" for maintaining Web site security Any company planning to do business on the Internet today must first become fully knowledgeable about the legal issues pertaining to consumer privacy and security, or risk severe financial penalties and loss of customer loyalty. In addition to making a Web site easy to navigate and transactions simple to manage, Web site developers must also make it secure. Failure to do so may result in legal action and irreparable damage to a company?s reputation. E-Business Privacy and Trust is a clear, easy-to-follow handbook that outlines the legal aspects of maintaining privacy and security on the Web and shows today?s businesses how to protect themselves by building basic guidelines into their e-business development strategies. The author, an expert on the subject of computer law, provides a complete overview of privacy law, security systems,...

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