Electronic Commerce (Networking Series)

Electronic Commerce (Networking Series)
Metamorphous Press
Интернет маркетинг


Стихи и сказки, Айболит, Бармалей, Крокодил (Части 1, 3), Телефон, Тараканище, Мойдодыр, Муха-Цокотуха, Топтыгин и Луна, Чудо-дерево, Что сделала Мура, когда ей прочли сказку "Чудо-дерево", Краденое солнце, Путаница, Федорино горе, Закаляка, Елка, Скрюченная песня, Котауси и Мауси, Загадки и отгадки


The fourth edition of this best-selling title gives a complete overview of the electronic commerce environment. It has been revised and completely updated to reflect the most recent trends in e-commerce, including new material on security technologies, server options, enterprise applications, and investing online. Covering everything from fundamental security issues to future trends, this comprehensive guide provides a thorough knowledge of electronic commerce and the tools needed to conduct business on the Internet. Key Features: * Includes new material on mobile electronic commerce, security technologies, server options, enterprise applications, investing online, smart cards, EDI, intellectual property issues, and supply chain management * Discusses security protocols, e.g., SSL, Java solutions and digital signatures * Provides a thorough discussion of various Internet security issues, e.g., SSL, S-HTTP, Java security, WAP, routers, firewalls, and public key...

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