Electronic and Transport Properties of Novel Thermoelectrics

Electronic and Transport Properties of Novel Thermoelectrics
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In recent years there have been a revival of interest in discovering and understanding the physical properties of novel thermoelectric (TE) materials with high figure of merit. These materials are primarily narrow band gap semiconductors. In this book, electronic structure calculations were carried out for several narrow band gap chalcogenide TE materials in order to understand their electronic and transport properties governing their TE characteristics. These calculations were performed within DFT whereas the transport calculations were carried out using Boltzmann transport equations. The effect of quantum confinement created by the surfaces of Bi2Se3 and Bi2Te3 (impact of interlayer bonding) and their superlattice electronic properties were investigated. The complex materials (K2Bi8Se13, AgPbmSbTe2+m (LAST-m)) were studied. For PbTe and LAST-m materials, which are among the best bulk TE at high temperatures, transport calculations were performed. This study should be useful to...

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