Electronics Process Technology: Production Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation

Electronics Process Technology: Production Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation
Новинки Интеллекта


Парадоски, Провенансы, Куклы, Конспекты по Мерабу, Из летних записей, Танго, День рождения, Раздоры, Истрия, Рыбки-прилипалы, Невстреча, Мне снился сон, Таксистка, Песнь натурщицы, Спор суфиев, Вуду, Вместо интервью, Профессионалы, Главный герой, Колыбельная, Реквием, Карамзиндеревенский дневник, Гордневник


In electronics manufacture, the expanding range of products and the smaller-and-smaller scale of increasingly integrated components is producing a trend towards complex and fault-susceptible processes. This fact, coupled with shorter production times and the importance of quality assurance necessitates that process technology be more adaptable and open to new procedures than ever before. Electronics Process Technology is a systemised presentation of new techniques and methods in electronics manufacture. Planning, preparation and execution are interlinked to achieve robust manufacturing processes that realise optimum quality, costs and quantities in the final product. Topics covered include: modelling of manufacturing processes; graph-theoretical approach to manufacturing planning; process simulation and optimisation including cost optimisation; quality assurance and statistical process analysis and control; reliability models for electronic products and assembly accuracy. The authors...

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