Emerging Telecommunications Networks: The International Handbook of Telecommunications Economics (The International Handbook of Telecommunications Economics, V. 2)

Emerging Telecommunications Networks: The International Handbook of Telecommunications Economics (The International Handbook of Telecommunications Economics, V. 2)
Интернет маркетинг


Стихотворения О. Мандельштама читают и о нем говорят: А.Кушнер, С.Аверинцев, С.Липкин, А.Морозов, Н.Вольпин, Л.Озеров, Н.Соколова, Е.Рейн, В.Берестов, Стихи в исполнении автора


This new three volume reference work provides a thorough and up-to-date survey and analysis of recent developments in the economics of telecommunications. The handbooks serve both as a source of reference and technical supplement for the field of telecommunications economics. Volume II is concerned with future developments that will arise in the digital era. The coverage includes: internet, electronic commerce, mobile voice and data transmission, point-to-point and multi-point communication, regulation, satellite services and universal service in the information age. The books are written at a level intended for professional use by economists, advanced undergraduate and graduate students. They will also prove useful to policy analysts, engineers and managers within the industry.

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